Our History
Our History
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Third Grade Students
Third Grade Students
First Grade Students
Kindergarten Students
Kindergarten Students
The GCEC is excited to kick-off its student tuition sponsorship program with the 2020 school year. For years, we have contemplated instituting a program like this, but until now have felt unready and ill-equipped to handle the heavy administrative requirements. However, as our student enrollment and budget needs have multiplied over the last 5 years and a strong US-based team has formed, we knew that the time to start was now. A sponsorship program is a funding source that will allow our school to operate successfully and make it possible for us to offer a high-caliber bilingual private Christian education to children and families that could never afford the actual cost of $38 per month. Our mission is to make this quality education accessible to families by charging parents a "family commitment" portion of only $2 a month per student, trusting God to meet the sizable gap. Our goal is to raise the $36 difference for each of our students, but to do so we need long-term partnerships with caring people like you!
Team up with the GCEC by becoming a monthly sponsor. Join hands with our team and families to bring a better future for the students of our school community. We believe that every child deserves a transformative education regardless of his or her life circumstances, and that God uses ministries like the Granada Christian Education Center and people like you to make it happen. Children matter to us because they matter to Jesus. We hope that the GCEC would always serve as an avenue by which children could run to Jesus and live out the good plan that God has for their lives.
Matthew 19:14
14 Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these."
What does our Sponsorship Program Provide
GCEC Students & Families?
Choice! And access to an excellent private bilingual Christian education
A Bible- and gospel-centered education
A clean and safe environment where students can grow in every regard
Loving teachers trained to shepherd a student's mind, heart, and spirit
A low national student-teacher ratio of 25:1
Classroom performance incentives and awards
Participation in special school and community events
A daily multi-vitamin to promote better health
A quarterly toothbrush and toothpaste
Parent education and support through workshops and conferences
A percentage of the sponsorship funds goes to meet the improvement, maintenance and construction needs of our growing school
Sponsorship helps to provide the funds needed for our current Nicaraguan staff payroll
student tuition sponsorship pool
As you sponsor the $36 monthly tuition portion for one student, we pool the donated resources together with other student tuition sponsorships for maximum impact. This allows us as a school to bridge the gap between what parents pay and the real cost to our ministry to educate our students. So, you're not simply sponsoring one child, but in partnership with other sponsors, you are helping to provide the resources needed to educate 25 students per grade level every school year. The money donated does not go directly to our families but is faithfully managed by GCEC ministry administrators. Because we believe that every one of our students is beautiful and valuable and should never feel rejected, we have prayerfully chosen to use a student assignment rather than a selection approach. Once you become a student tuition sponsor, we will assign a student to you to begin an intercessory prayer relationship.
$36per month