Our History
Our History
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Third Grade Students
Third Grade Students
First Grade Students
Kindergarten Students
Kindergarten Students

The GCEC's preschool and kindergarten program incorporates hands-on learning experiences and age-appropriate activities. We have designed our instructional program to honor all MINED curriculum requirements while incorporating additional developmentally appropriate universal standards. We structure the classroom to help students learn new concepts in large group activities, circle time, and learning stations and give them the opportunity to show their individual learning daily. We target our preschoolers' social, emotional, physical, and cognitive-linguistic development, as well as their pre-literacy skills, math and logic concepts, and behavioral progress. Besides their core instruction, our preschool students receive English classes thrice weekly, physical education weekly, and chapel weekly.
We currently offer Preschool Level II for students who turn four and Preschool Level III (Kindergarten) for students who turn five by the end of March under the Nicaraguan Ministry of Education age requirements. We limit classes to 25 students to maintain a small student-teacher ratio. The school day for our preschoolers is from 8:00 am to 12:45 pm Mondays through Fridays. ​
We have developed a wide plan of study that promotes active learning and infuses a Biblical worldview. For our preschool we use a variety of materials, including Trillas Mathematics, Deja Todo y Lee Language Arts curriculum, La Biblia en mi Vida Bible curriculum, age-appropriate storybooks, workbooks, and hands-on experiential learning activities. For our English as a second language program we use comprehensive materials available through ESL KidStuff membership, along with other age-appropriate resources.