Our History
Our History
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Third Grade Students
Third Grade Students
First Grade Students
Kindergarten Students
Kindergarten Students

We are the Granada Christian Education Center (GCEC), a faith-based and Christ-centered community development project founded in 2012. Our aim is to transform lives of spiritual and physical poverty through a quality Christian education, a vibrant sports ministry, and life skills training. Our motivation is gratitude for the unmerited gift of salvation through Jesus Christ. We hope to show the love of Christ and make available the good news of the gospel.
We seek to help others in the name of Jesus, believing that programs based on biblical principles and with Christian content are the key to transforming lives. Our belief is that people can be empowered to take responsibility for their own lives and find solutions to their own problems. Thus, we seek to involve people in helping themselves, developing and sustaining programs side-by-side with our national ministry partners, making every effort to avoid creating a local dependency on outside sources.
Our founders and their missionary partners have been serving in the city of Granada and other local communities since 2006. The GCEC is one of many entities born from the El Puente Mission Base. The larger work at hand includes the bilingual El Puente Church (Iglesia Cristiana El Puente), located in Granada, the sports ministry and sports complex, next to the GCEC, and the long-term vision to create not only a primary and secondary school and sports complex, but a training center for all ages.